Before enrolling a student for an exchange course, the Member will create a system's student profile. Once entered, the Student's profile will remain in the system.
A profile includes a student's personal information (see New Student Form), a history of profile updates, and the student's enrollment history).
Members can view a complete list of active students entered into the system, regardless of whether they enrolled in an exchange course.
Select the Students List link on the Students widget from the Member Dashboard.
Select the Student List icon at the top of the screen
Select the Add New Student link on the Students widget from the Member Dashboard.
From the Students List, select the Add New Student button in to top right corner of the screen.
Complete the Add New Student form
If a field is incomplete, the required field will turn red, and a warning "This field is required" message appears.
Once all required fields are complete, the Save Student button becomes active.
Member with access to student information can view students' details, including their profile and enrollment history can view student details from the student list.
Search for student name
Select the three dots to the right of each student's name